Thursday, May 19, 2011

Our house is built on an old Indian burial site...

or at least that's what Curtis says and thinks. Ever since we have moved into our new house a little over a year ago, ailments have plagued us. Well, not MAJOR ailments - just little, annoying sicknesses/problems. For example: I have had the stomach flu four times or more and at least five or more colds in the past year. Our boys are always sick too. Curtis has been ill here and there also. Curtis and I always say that we have been sick more times the past year than we have our whole lives...and that's NO JOKE! Strange...since I was a school teacher and around germs all day...and NEVER got sick when I taught at a public school. Then just recently I had a root canal and A LOT of pain for a week...where I told Curtis I would have rather been in labor. Luckily, I am now starting to feel better and can open my mouth somewhat to eat and talk. Last night I found a hangnail that is infected, but don't get that confused with my other finger, my pinky nail that was bent off. See back a few posts. The other day, one of Curtis's co-workers out-of-the-blue starting talking about the house built right next to ours...and how weird things kept happening when it was being built. Construction workers kept getting hurt/injured, lots of fights between co-workers, personal relationship issues happened during the construction. Coicidence? Possibly. Or maybe the land we are on is CURSED...and someone is trying to get us off or away from their territory.?. ;)


Leslie said...

Sounds suspicious to me too! Head down to the library and do some research! I'm glad to hear your tooth is feeling better.

Melinda said...

Check the water. My sister was having similiar problems with illness and turned out there was E.Coli in their water supply. She was on a well which is different but maybe there is something unhealthy in your pipes. Good luck!

Melinda said...
