Saturday, December 13, 2008

New Blog Name

It seems that all I do lately is post photos of Baby Cannon. Maybe I should change our blog name from Browning Buzz to Cannon's Blog.?. Curtis said, "You can tell we are proud parents with all the photos you put on the blog and facebook of Cannon." I told him that's what new parents do - just like how I keep up with his baby book. That changes with the other kids - so I've heard.

P.S. Sorry about the red eye in the pictures, there is a way I can get rid of it, I'm just too lazy to fix it from our program. Sorry.


Anonymous said...

What a cute little guy. I can't believe how much he has grown! He is looking older :(

Red & Lyss said...

He really is a cute little guy!

Andrew and Shandee said...

How fun. He is so darling. How do you change your background? It is so pretty. Can you teach me?