Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Baby Browning #4

This pic is of Baby Browning #4. I am due Jan. 1st, 2014 (but I have a feeling I can have my doctor induce me at the end of Dec....since my doctor is in our ward and sits right behind us in Sacrament Mtg.). ;) So when I found out I was pregnant, I am not going to lie...I was depressed and overwhelmed. It was hard for me to get motivated to do anything. This baby was a total shocker...I personally didn't want any more children because I have my hands full with three, young boys. However, Heavenly Father knows what we can handle more than we know. I feel old. No, really, I do. I always tell Curtis I feel like I am a body doesn't feel healthy. That could be because this is my fifth pregnancy (had a miscarriage before Christian was born) in five years, and all the nutrients have been sucked out of me. My body hasn't had time to replenish. I am now considered "high-risk" because I will be 35 next month. Eeks! 

So, I went to the doctor when I was almost 12 weeks pregnant ( I like to wait to go to the doctor). Got the ultra-sound and the tech said she was 80% sure it is a girl. She has been doing it for 30 plus years. I am taking it and running with it...if it turns out to be a boy, oh well, we know boys well (and have plenty of boy stuff). ;) With this pregnancy, it has been different than when I was pregnant with the boys. I was sicker with the boys - nauseated a lot more. Yes, I have waves of nausea, but overall, not too bad. The struggle I have had is exhaustion. I am completely drained. I know people are tired when they are pregnant, but this is way worse than how it was with the boys. My energy level just drops with each passing minute in the day. I am usually in bed to go to sleep for the night by 8p.m. As far as cravings go, I am constantly thinking about food and what sounds good. I think about food way more than I should. I like Carino's green salads, orange chicken, turkey sandwiches, orange juice, watermelon (same cravings as I had with Christian). Grateful it is a girl because I didn't have a boy name picked out. I do have a girl name...and it doesn't start with the letter "C". ;)

Let me admit this...I am a little scared to have a girl. I am not good at doing hair, and I don't know how to apply make-up. This girl will probably wear a ponytail a lot. I have no desire for my daughter to be in beauty pageants or anything of that sort.;) So many people have told me that girls create a lot of drama...oh dear! I do know one thing...this little girl will have three older brothers to protect her and help her. They have already been talking about her, and they love her!


Anonymous said...

Congrats on baby#4!!! I love having girls! It'll be a wonderful fit for you. There won't be drama because you won't tolerate it. She'll love having 3 brothers, and they'll likely take pride in their little sister. It's a win-win for you! :)

Andi said...

I am not good at doing hair either! That's why I wear mine short! haha! But our girl always looks cute in ponytails and there is nothing wrong with ponytails. As far as girls being "drama," I think it is a learned behavior. :) Avery is NOT drama AT ALL. Because Lorin and I are both easy going and laid back. She has a good mix of our personalities and she totally just goes with the flow of things. Now as she gets older, it may change. But again, I think it's more a learned behavior than anything. Even when Avery plays with her little friends now, she is very easy going and doesn't fight with them. We love her and are excited for another sweet little girl!

If I ever have a boy, I think I will be scared to death of what to do with a boy! Haha!

Lauren Billat said...

Can't wait to buy girl clothes! :)