Wednesday, February 1, 2012

We Needed a Miracle Today

Our family needed a miracle today. It didn't happen. I had never prayed so hard in my life for this miracle to actually go through and fall into place. I am very disappointed and frustrated because of it. Actually, I am quite disqusted with the whole situation. Here's hoping you had a better day than our family.


Anonymous said...

Sorry you had a bad day, i hope today is much better. It's so hard to remember prayers aren't always answered the way we want and in our time frame, but they are answered. :)

Missionary Mom said...

Adie it must be really rough for you, whatever it is! I hope there's a light at the end of the tunnel. This past year was probably my hardest ever as an adult, and I spent many days and even weeks feeling bitter and confused. I hope the blessings and the understanding kick in soon, because eventually that will happen. Blessings always follow trials, but I'm so sorry it hasn't turned out how you hoped and prayed.

Bev Holtom said...

Wow, all I can say is don't give up because we don't ever know why things happen until they usually do, or happen later...I wish you well and sending you thoughts of positive vibes!! Love ya!

Belnap's Ref It said...

Sometimes Heavenly Father has other plans for us and we usually don't like that answer. I've learned through my own experiences that what He really has in store for us is usually better. Full of more blessings and puts ourselves or family in a better position for the future. It's just hard to sit in waiting to hear, see or feel what that is. I'm sorry that what you wanted didn't happen. I hope it isn't too difficult to get past this and hope that whatever else is "planned" for you is more wonderful then you imagined. I love you guys!!

Angela said...

Sorry you are going through a hard time. Keep praying! We sure love your family!