Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Carter's stats, blessing, and Christmas

Carter is such a silly, little boy! He loves to coo and talk and really smile - especially to his mom! He loves attention! Likes to be held facing out! He thinks he is a big boy! Here are his two month stats:
Weight: 10 pounds 1 ounce...just a little guy!
Length: 22 inches
Head: 14.25 inches

Curtis blessed Carter and did a great job! We are so thankful for family and all who attended! There were 15 men in the blessing circle! Thanks to my family and Curtis's family for the support!

Carter in his Christmas pj's and a big bow on his head (I swear some little girls have bows this big on their headbands - if I have girls someday, I'm pretty sure they won't wear big bows, flowers, etc on their heads).

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Merry Christmas!!

May we ponder the real reason.

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Carter's Baby Announcement

Seems like everything I post lately is pretty much a repeat of last year's December. Oh yeah, that's because it is...just with a different Baby Boy. :) Go to the archive - click on 2008 and December.

Baby Jesus Part II

2009 Baby Jesus

Here is Carter as Baby Jesus. Cannon was Baby Jesus last year (Hence, Part II).

Similarities between 2008 & 2009 Baby Jesus': same white blanket, little boys with lots of hair, same last name, both first names start with a "C".

Differences: Baby Jesus this year needed a pacifier and cried a little while Baby Jesus last year did not cry, nor needed a paci.

And no, there won't be a Baby Jesus provided by us, the Browning's, next year for the nativity. :) Sorry! We'll let another family do that next, what if we had a girl?

2008 Baby Jesus

Friday, December 11, 2009

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Do ThEy LoOk LiKe BrOtHeRs?

cArTeR - dEcEmBeR 2009

CaNnOn - DeCeMbEr 2008

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

More pics of the boys.

Love this shot - something a typical older brother would do. :)

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Two Years Ago Today This Happened...

And it was the best decision I have ever made!!!

Monday, November 23, 2009

The "Twins"

Cannon is cheesin it while Carter is screaming. Sweet!

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Squeaks & Squirm

Yes, we have a nickname for is Squeaks. Cannon is Squirm. We'll probably get really confused with the "S" and "C" names. Carter went to the doctor yesterday for his 2 week checkup even though he is almost 3 weeks. He is such a little baby! Little in our eyes anyway.

Weight: 7 lbs 14 oz (still smaller than when Cannon was born).

Some photos of the two monkeys on Halloween.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

ONE and so much FUN!

Happy Birthday to Cannon Boy on Oct. 21st! It was a low-key birthday party (with just the three of us) since Carter was going to be born the next day. Cannon got many toys and clothes. He loved his chocolate birthday cake that I made, but we knew he'd love it since he eats anything!!! Cannon is such a good little boy! He tries to be gentle with his little brother by rubbing his hair or giving him kisses. Cannon has such a cute little personality! We promise we'll have a bigger birthday party for you next year Cannon Boy (you may have to share it with your brother though - sorry)! :)

Wednesday, October 28, 2009


I have a feeling these two are going to be good buddies! :)

Friday, October 23, 2009

Carter Everett Browning

Carter Everett Browning
Born: Thursday, Oct. 22nd at 4:07 p.m.
Weight: 7 pounds 3 ounces
Length: 19 3/4 inches
Labor: Not fun when the epidural starts to wear off!!

Carter and all of his hair!

Carter and his dad! :)

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

This is me today: October 13, 2009. A few days before having Baby Boy Browning #2.
This is me about a year ago: October 4, 2008. A few days before having Baby Boy Browning #1.

Not much of a difference with the pictures, huh?? Same clothes, same size, same room... just different hair lengths. Baby #1 was 7 pounds 15 ounces and 20 inches long. What is your guess for Baby #2??

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Happy Autumn!

What's your favorite season? I used to think mine was summer, but I think it might now be fall.

Monday, September 21, 2009

11 Months Old

Here are a few pictures taken this past month of our Cannon Boy. He is growing bigger and smarter each day. He's such a good little boy and we love having him in our family!!

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Can't believe it!

* No, this is not a picture of me.

I can't believe I'm already 31 weeks along! Now we are in the single digits counting down the weeks. This pregnancy has flown by and even though I don't look 31 weeks along, I'm still ready to be done. I will have been pregnant for a total of 18 months in less than two years...and that's nothing to brag about. :)

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Cannon's 3 favorite things this month...

#1 - Causing trouble by pulling himself up the furniture and walking around it.

#2 - Watching and listening to his dad sing and play the guitar. Almost every time Curtis comes home for lunch he sings and plays the guitar for Cannon. Cannon loves it and even claps for his dad's mini-concert!

#3 - Playing with his Tickle-Me-Elmo! And P.S. his diaper hadn't leaked in this pic, Cannon had just spilled water on himself. :)

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Love/Hate Relationship

Lately Curtis has been bringing half a dozen of these little puppies home to me - quite often, and I never ask for them. I have to admit, I love it and hate it all at the same time!!

raspberry chocolate cheesecake

red velvet

ultimate brownie