I realized that I mostly post about Cannon and Carter together or in the past before Carter was born - just Cannon. Carter has never really had a post just about him - other than when he was born. Let me tell you a little about Carter.
Carter A.K.A.- Squeaky Boy, Squeaks, Little Brother is very different from his older brother. Carter is a very needy little boy! He always wants to be where everyone else is...does not like being left alone! He likes to watch Baby Einstein only sometimes. Loves to be held constantly! He falls asleep when he goes for a walk in the stroller. However, he is not a very good napper. Carter always is watching his big bro, Cannon! Squeaky Boy is such a talker...and is very loud! He enjoys grabbing and sucking on toys, his paci, and his toes. He likes mom the best, but I often want to put him in his seat so I can get things done. Carter has stomach issues and doesn't digest very well, making him a difficult baby, but when he is not in pain he sure is a sweet, little boy! We are grateful to have him be a part of our family!