Monday, April 8, 2013

Some of our Favorite Children's Books

Just a few of  the  books the boys have really enjoyed reading (that we  read quite often).

Cannon reading to Carter Llama, Llama Mad at Mama. Carter picked out that book. ;)
We are suckers for children's books at our house. We read Every time Cannon's preschool teacher sends home book orders, I can't help myself...I just have to order!! Books are so, so very important to everyone, no matter the age, but extremely crucial when children are very young. I started reading to all of my boys at age two months. A lot of times when I give baby gifts...I like to throw in a book(s) with the gift. Reading really is the key to success! If you can read and comprehend, it makes all other subjects that much easier to understand. And when I was a school teacher and had parent teacher conferences, I would always encourage the parents to read with their children (even though I taught 6th graders). It is a great way to get one-on-one time with a child while reading and learning. Having the parents read aloud is also critical so children can hear expression, pronunciation, etc. One of the best examples though, is if a child sees his/her dad reading. I read that in a study when I was in college. Dad's reading with their children is so, so good!!! No wonder I tell Curtis to read so much - that study is still in my brain. ;)

Here are the titles of the books pictured on the table above (just a few of our favorites, couldn't fit anymore books on the table) ;) :

-Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day
-Time for Bed
-Muddy Paws
-Love You Forever
-My World
-Llama Llama Mad at Mama
-Where the Wild Things Are
-Skippyjon Jones
-Five Minutes' Peace (one of my favorites as a mom)
-Corduroy (I loved this when I was a little girl)
-Hop on Pop
-Hand, Hand, Finger, Thumb
-Owl Babies
-The Gingerbread Man Loose in the School
-What Time is it, Mr. Crocodile?
-Caps for Sale
-I Spy books
-Mr. Brown can Moo! Can You?
-Guess How Much I Love You
-If You See a Kitten (great for 2 month olds and young, young babies/children)
-Curious George and the Pizza Party
-If You Give a Mouse a Cookie
-The Eye Book
-The Itsy Bitsy Spider
-Goodnight Moon
-The Very Hungry Caterpillar
-From Head to Toe
-Black and White Rabbit's ABC
-Chicka Chicka Boom Boom
-Llama Llama Red Pajama
-Grandma's Secret (old school book found at a garage sale - only look for books if I go to one)
-The Carrot Seed
-B is for Bear (good one for babies too)
-The Monster at the End of this Book (was Curtis' book when he was little) ;)
-BOB books (perfect for beginning readers. Cannon has them mastered, working with Carter)
-Mr. Noisy
-The Best Mouse Cookie (then the boys want to make cookies after reading this) ;)
-Fox in Socks
-Officer Buckle and Gloria
-What Makes a Rainbow (great for teaching colors)

There are so many other books we enjoy reading. Is there a must-have book that I don't have on this list? Please share!!!

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