Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Charlotte's Web

I am not a garage sale person, but if I am driving and see one, I will stop and look for one and one thing only - childrens' books. I want my boys to develop a love for learning, and reading is a great way learn! Plus, I want my kids to be smart...what parent doesn't want their kids to be smart.?. Reading aloud is one of the best things you can do with a child. Also, they love the attention and one-on-one. I started reading to Cannon when he was two months old. He loves for me to read and he can read really well for a two year-old. Carter likes books too. Back to garage sales...I found the book, Charlotte's Web a few weeks ago. I wondered if the boys were too little to listen to a chapter book. Carter wasn't too interested because there are no pictures, but I will give him a break since he is only 20 months . ;) However, Cannon loved it! So at night after Carter goes to bed, I will read chapters at a time to Cannon. As I read he tries to pick out words he knows and recognizes. Rewarding...very rewarding!

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